Trio CACIB Prague dog show

Three show days in a row at the TrioCACIB Prague show together with Kalypsó BP and Jamaika BP.

5.8.2022 judge Mrs. Mgr. Jana Janeková

Kalypso BP in open class – excellent 2, Res. CAC

6.8.2022 judge Mr. Petr Studeník

Kalypso BP in open class – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

7.8.2022 judge Mrs. Eva Felszeghyová

Jamaika BP in open class – excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

Wella BP and her owner also participated in the show.

Wella “Deli” won 6.8. in champion class – excellent 1, CAC, Res CACIB.

7.8. won Wella BP “Deli” again in champion class – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS.
