o_nasMy name  is Zuzana Brixí. I have been dealing with dogs already from year 1993. I had possibility to get a lot of valuable information during this period and I spent unforgetable  moments together with dogs. Thanks to them I got to know my husband and we started a family. My husband is as experienced as me because of his long term dealing with dogs as well.

The first female of Welsh Springer Spaniel started to live with us at the age of 3 and she cames to us like absolutely amazing, calm and problem – free „ lady „. I was so fascinated  by her fast adaptability, intelligence and thinking . She was and still is so natural, not prebreeding dog as well as some other breeds are. Shortly after it we decided to bring our first imported bitch from one of the best, the largest and the oldest kennels in Holland.

The idea of devoting to breed this wonderful dog breed became a reality very quickly and I am very glad about it.

Our kennel is called Brixi´s Pride and it was founded in 2008. It is a family kennel. Our aim is to breed healthy, balanced character dogs with excellent exterior and good working ability. We are very glad , when the new owners of our puppies keep in touch with us and we can share their experiences. We are ready to help them and advise at every time. With many of them we became very good and close friends  and we came to like each other. We are actually grateful to welsh springers for it.

To have opportunity of being at the origin of life is something indescribable, such vital moment, independent creatures, viable. This is simply the best for me to be there.

I have had chance to know more breeds for those years, mainly working and hunting, but none of them is as unmatched as Welsh Springer Spaniel. Not only character but also their appearance is very appealing for me, they are so elegant. Their beautiful, simple but mainly functional body physique is excelling in the course of their running .It is great pleasure even only to watch them.

The whole family takes care of dogs and litter of puppies, I with my husband and also our two sons help us.

o_nas1We are very proud of our dogs. We have got our own severalfold champions of various countries and, many prestigious awards. Some of the offsprings have decided to try the shows and also with good results.

We have got imported females from Holland.  For matting we almost always go abroad. We select high-quality healthy and balanced character stud dogs. The puppies from us you can find not only in our country, but also in Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary,  Switzerland, Norway,  Russia, Slovenia, Slovak republic, Croatia, Italy, and other countries.

The dogs are participated in shows, where exterior and their overall impression is assessed, and working trials ( hunting) with innate and trained skills are also judged. We participate in hunting events, where dogs skills are checked in practice as well. In all these places we have possibility to meet equally enthusiastic people, to discuss and to acquire new knowledge. Our dogs with their four-legged friends spend fun moments in shared game.

I am so glad we had the opportunity  to get to know this breed and I would like to thank my friend Jane for it.

Jane, many thanks!