We are happy to introduce you to our two spring litters. Litter D2 and E2. More information below.

Litter “D2”

We welcomed our first puppies of this year from Cherry Brixi´s Pride “Cherry” and Key To My Life Adea “Nick” on Monday 24.2. .

We have 7 males and 3 females.

If you are interested about a puppy, please do not hesitate to contact me for further details. Tel. +420 604 57 52 41 (also possible via WhatsApp) or by email brixiz@seznam.cz

Photos of the puppies:

we are a month old

three weeks old


two weeks old

a few days after birth

shortly after birth



Father: Key To My Life Adea “NICK” Mother: Cherry Brixi´s Pride “CHERRY”
C.I.B., Ch Pl, Ch Cz Ch Pl
Hips: A Hips: A
Eyes: everything clean including gonio. Eyes: everything clean including gonio.


Litter “E2”

On March 14th, we had puppies born from parents Jamaika BP “MAIKA” and Cherokee Brixi´s Pride “ROKY”.

We have 5 males and 2 females.

If you are interested in a puppy, please do not hesitate to contact me for further details. Tel. +420 604 57 52 41 (also possible via WhatsApp) or by email brixiz@seznam.cz.


we have got two weeks

we have one week



Mother: Jamaika Brixi´s Pride “MAIKA” Father: Cherokee Brixi´s Pride “ROKY”
CAC, CWC, CACIB, BOS, BOB CAJC, BOJ, CAC, CACIB, CWC, BOB, NV,  JBIG I, BIG III, winner of club show 2016,  winner of club show BOS 2017, Res. CACIB WDS 2018, Res. CACIB WDS 2021
Ch PL, Ch CZ  C.I.B. & C.I.E.

JCh CZ, Ch CZ, Ch Mne, winner of club show 2016, winner of club show 2017, GrandCh ČR, Ch ČMKU, Ch Pl, club champion 2017, The best show male ČR 2016, The best show male ČR 2017, winner of special show 2019, VCh CZ

Test: ZV Tests: ZV, BZ, KZV, PZ
Hips: A Hips: A
Eyes: free from all hereditary eye defects and diseases Eyes: free from all hereditary eye defects and diseases